catatan si "tua"

waaaw..udah lama banget ngga yang namanay buka2 blog..huuf,..belakangan banyak banget rutinitas yang kudu n wajib dikerjakan,,but deekha is back,,he,,
kali ini ada mangsa yang bakal kita korek2 dalemannya,,hmmmm..
cowok yang atu ini pemaaaaluuu banget dengan yang namanaya wanita???ko bisa seh..tenaaang nanti bakal tau ndiri deh dari pria ini,..
nama temen dika ini eko..lebih tepatnya eko budi "anduk" santoso..hee..tapi tampangnya jauh beda banget ama budi lho,..secara fisik doi menarik banget,,apalagi dengan potongan rambut yang sekarang,,mirip ama rafi ahmad,,serius lho..gue panggil doi biasanya dengan mas ato opa,,he,,biar tampak lebih tua seh..ya ia lah doi khan senior gue dikampus,,,hmmm..

ya udah deh,,biar doi ndiri yang deskripsiin tentang beliau,,,ayoooooo...
hai,,,nama saya eko..saya dari lampung,,,si "babi" maksa2 saya buat nulis di blog-nya,,ywadah gpp,,berbagi cerita kalo gitu,,
sekarang saya lagi ngejalanin pacaran jarak jauh gitu,,,udah cukup lama seh,,ada sekitar beberapa bulan kebelakang..saya cenderung tertutup seh ama siapa aja,,hal itu yang kadang di bilang anak2 saya orang pemalu...apalagi kalo ama wanita...ada benernya juga seh,,ga tau kenapa kalo di depan udah ada yang namanya wanita bawaannya maluuu banget,,yang tadinya pingin ngomong jadi ga bisa ngapa2in,.
kriteria cewek buat saya sebenernya sederhana aja,,dia harus soleh.,,
yuuups itu aja,,karna kalo orang udah soleh semua akan menjadi lebih mudah,,entah itu prinsip darimana tapi yang jelas itu merupakan faktor utama untuk kriteria wanita idaman saya,,,
apalagi yak??ouya saya juga suka ama wanita yang sederhana..sebab sederhana itu menurut saya indaah banget,,
naah saya berharap wanita yang saya idamin tadi udah terkumpul dalam bentuk wanita yang jadi pacar saya sekarang,,amiiienn,,gitu aja ya,,sedikit tentang someone spesial saya,,thanks..
oh my god,,,,dikit bener mas,,hmmmmm,,.,ya udah makasi deh dah mau berbagi ama dika n yang laennya,,,tuuuh khan bener doi pemaaaaluu banget.,,huuuf mudah2n jangan jadi malu2in yak,,he,,,

The Art of Communication

"Communication is the key to success" What is the shortest word in the English language that contains the letters;abcdef?? answer; feedback. Don't forget that feedback is one of the essential elements of good COMMUNICATION

• Emily Dickinson : Saying nothing...sometimes says the most
• Jonathan Swift (1740) : Proper words in proper places, make the true definition of a style
• Italian Proverb : Of what does not concern you say nothing good or bad.
• Bruce Burton : for good or ill, your conversation is your advertisement. Every time you open your mouth well clothed, neat, business wise
• Catherine Pulsifer : Communication sometimes is not what you first hear, listen not just to the words, but listen for the reason.
• Rollo May : Communication leads to community, that is to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing.
• Vauvenargues (1746) : When a thought id too weak to be expressect simply, it should be rejected.
• Michael de Montaigne : I quote others only in order the better to express myself.
• Francois La Rochefoucauld : Yhe reason why so few people are agreeable in conversations is that each is thinking more abaout what he intends to say than abaout what others are saying, and we never listen when we are eager to speak
• Goethe (1808) : What is uttered from the heart alaone will win the hearts of others to your own.
• Scorates : A lie never lives to be old
• Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe : No one would talk much in society if they knew how often they misunderstood others
• Marcel Proust : We are healed of a suffering onlu by expressing it to the full
• Marie Ebner Von Eschenbach : whenever two good people argue over principles, they are both right.
• Jonathan Swift : Argument is the worst sort of conversation
• George Sala : Not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.
• Benjamin Banneker (1731-1806) : Evil communication corrupts good manners, i hope to live to hear that good communication corrects bad manners.
• Rod Steiger (1925) Us actor : Communication wihout a purpsose is artistic masturbation
• Robert Frost : Half the world is composed of people who have something to say and can't, and the other half who have nothing to say and keep on saying it.
• Robert Greenleaf ; Many attempts to communicate are bullifled by saying too much.
• Barbara Boro Garland : The keys to effective communication are knowing who you are, being yourself and sharing your message in a responsive way.
• Ernest Hemingway : You lost it if you talk about it.
• Japanese proverb ; One kind word can warm three winter month.


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